Tuesday 10 December 2013

One capture , one clue

Okay, so after much contemplating and thinking about giving up on writing for good and forever, I have decided this writer's block can be overcome small sentences at a time.
Each photograph brings a forlorn thought to mind.


#Lecture theater kahaniyan



The dominant eats the docile.

Order in the universe : restored.
All hearts!

Because we must believe in something more, something more than what can be touched.
Love, miracles, the way babies smell.
Birthday wishes.

We are memoirs, someone’s.
We are, all of us, merely fake tattoos on someone’s ugly angulated ankle.
Water will eventually erode away the black, till very little remains.

1 comment:

  1. (Y)
    We are memoirs, someone’s.
    We are, all of us, merely fake tattoos on someone’s ugly angulated ankle.
